Monday, September 26, 2016

Welcome to MR blog


I am starting this as somewhat of a permanent place to record various bits and pieces of information that materialized around requests for advice or opinion, as well as unsolicited messages to the racing community I interact with.  Most of it will  have to do with collecting and understanding racing data, as well as practical applications of insights gained that way. Some may have deal with my personal racing experiences.

Some of you may find this stuff interesting, useful, or amusing. Most will find this boring and overly technical.

That's too bad.

Modern civilization owes little to great politicians, generals, musicians, or poets (or racing drivers) of the past. Nearly every benefit of modern world we have at our disposal, is a result of work of scientists and engineers (rarely appreciated or even remembered), tirelessly applying methods that most find boring, in search of advances in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Also, race cars.

In the last few month, some people asked me for a reference to a place to look up information about my team, and what we do. I suppose this would be it. Do not expect PR-polished messages, or praises in support of our sponsors. There are other places for that. This is simply about information and a place to share comments and opinions.

Every time I describe this side of my life on the Internets, I inevitably receive questions from strangers about how to become a racing driver. I suppose that's inevitable that this will generate a few more of those. While I will continue to answer such questions, you'd have to contact me through some other means for that, this place is for different kind of subjects.


P.S. Here is one of my most favorite race car development pictures. I call it "Reflections".

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